Per i suoi 20 anni di attività, il CENTRO PANTA REI, vi propone per il 2014 diversi seminari e giornate di approfondimento sulla clinica sistemica e non solo.

Il prossimo incontro sarà tenuto dal dott.David Denborough docente, scrittore ed editore del Dulwich Centre Foundation International ad Adelaide.

“Approccio narrativo al trattamento dei traumi”
Domenica 25 Maggio (10-17.30) e Lunedì 26 Maggio (9.30-17)

Il workshop proposto svilupperà aspetti concreti legati ai principi e alle pratiche narrative applicate soprattutto alla risposta al trauma.
Questo includerà:
– Le linee principali della terapia narrativa
– Esempi di risposta al trauma con gli adulti
– Le narrazioni che creano esternalizzazione
– Le conversazioni che costruiscono ricordare
– L’Albero della Vita come approccio narrativo (per lavorare con i bambini)
– Il Team della Vita come approccio narrativo (per lavorare con i giovani)

Docente: David Denborough docente, scrittore ed editore del Dulwich Centre Foundation International ad Adelaide (Australia).Ha svolto incarichi recenti di insegnamento e di interventi di comunità in Bosnia, Ruanda, Uganda, Canada, Brasile, Argentina, Cile, Sud Africa e in un certo numero di comunità aborigene australiane. Le canzoni di David in risposta alle attuali problematiche sociali hanno ricevuto diffusione radiofonica in tutta l’Australia e il Canada.
Libri e pubblicazioni:
– “Retelling the Stories of Our Lives” Norton, 2014
– “Collective Narrative Practice” Dulwich Centre Publications, 2008
– “Tauma. Narrative Responses to Traumatic Experience” Dulwich Centre Publications, 2006
– “A Community of Ideas” Dulwich Centre Publications, 2005
Sede: Centro Panta Rei, via G.Omboni 7, Milano
Costo: è obbligatorio fare entrambe le giornate ed il costo è di 150 euro + iva del 22%. Massimo 10 posti.
Per informazioni e iscrizioni:, 02.29523799


For its 20 years of activity, the CENTRO PANTA REI, proposes for the year 2014, workshops on the clinical systemic and beyond.

The next meeting will be held by Dr. David Denborough, he works as a community practitioner, teacher and writer/editor for Dulwich Centre Foundation International to Adelaide


“A narrative approach to traumatic experience”

Sunday 25 of May (10 a.m.- 5.30 p.m.) and Monday 26 of May (9.30 a.m-5 p.m)


He author would like to give a practice-based a workshop introducing key narrative principles and practices with an emphasis on responding to trauma.
This will include:
– Charter of storytelling rights
– Example of responding to trauma with an adult
– Externalising conversations
– Re-membering conversations
– Tree of Life narrative approach (for working with children)
– Team of Life narrative approach (for working with young people)
Professor: David Denborough, works as a community practitioner, teacher and writer/editor for Dulwich Centre. Recent teaching/community assignments have included Bosnia, Rwanda, Uganda, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, South Africa and a number of Aboriginal Australian communities. David’s songs in response to current social issues have received airplay throughout Australia and Canada.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Recent books/publications include:
– “Retelling the Stories of Our Lives” Norton, 2014
– “Collective Narrative Practice” Dulwich Centre Publications, 2008
– “Tauma. Narrative Responses to Traumatic Experience” Dulwich Centre Publications, 2006
– “A Community of Ideas” Dulwich Centre Publications, 2005
Location: Centro Panta Rei, G.Omboni 7, Milan                                                                                                                                                                                                    Cost: It is mandatory to do both days and the cost is 150 € + VAT 22%. Maximum 10 people.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       For information and registration:, +39 02.29523799